& Theological
unearthing the divine authority of the bible
The TSU College of Biblical & Theological Studies awards degrees at the, graduate and doctoral levels (see the Undergraduate Degree Programs Fact Sheet for bachelors degree overviews). Committed to the Divine inspiration and authority of the Bible, the College offers a rich variety of courses, supported by faculty members who are qualified in and dedicated to their teaching disciplines. Members of the College’s international faculty routinely participate in lectures, seminars and symposia held at the TSU campus in Albuquerque and other venues.
Master of Arts / Divinity
TH611 Church History: First Century to 1500
BS572 Exposition of Romans
BS631 Thinking Critically about the Hebrew Scriptures
TH592 Theology of the New Testament
TH606 Exegetical Theology
BS575 Exposition of Hebrews
BS512 Biblical Exegesis & Exposition
BS662 Biblical Hebrew: Grammar & Syntax II
BS667 Biblical Hebrew Reading
TH613 Church History: 1500 to Present
BS552 Exposition of Genesis
BS562 Exposition of John’s Gospel
BS622 Higher Critical Theory: An Analysis
BS576 New Testament Synthesis
BS577 Old Testament Synthesis
BS641 New Testament Greek Grammar & Syntax I
BS642 New Testament Greek Grammar & Syntax II
BS653 New Testament Greek Reading
48 total semester credit hours (including relevant transfer and portfolio credit)
Bachelors Degree or equivalent (including 35 SCH general studies or equivalent)
Biblical languages are not required, but are highly recommended.
66 total semester credit hours (including relevant transfer and portfolio credit)
Bachelors Degree or equivalent
Biblical languages are not required, but are highly recommended.
DS731 Rhetoric & Professional Writing
DS821 Dissertation (Ph.D.)/Project (D.Min.) Prospectus
DS831 Dissertation/Project Literature Review
DS857 Dissertation/Project Research
Relevant Masters Degree or equivalent.
A good working knowledge of both biblical Hebrew and Greek as demonstrated by course work and/or personal evaluation may be required, depending on the area of concentration.
Other Colleges
Biblical Languages
Archaeology & Biblical History
Apostolic Theology
Biblical counseling
Hebraic Studies in Christianity
Professional & Creative Writing
Sacred Arts