College of
& Biblical History
Learn within an active archeaological community
The TSU College of Archaeology & Biblical History, with its international faculty, awards two degrees: M.A. and Ph.D. The College offers a broad range of courses, and is actively involved in the archaeological community through research and excavation projects in the Near East. It frequently sponsors study tours to Israel and Jordan, and other parts of the Mediterranean world, and also hosts the International Symposium on Archaeology & the Bible. The College cooperates closely with the TSU Museum of Archaeology, through which students are privileged to participate in original research, excavation support and analysis projects, internships and docent activities. The program is also supported by the TSU Archaeology Research Center, which houses objects, samples, and pottery from the Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project in Jordan.
Degree Programs
College of Archaeology & Biblical History Fact Sheet

Master of Arts
48 Total Semester Credit Hours (SCH)
A bachelor’s degree or equivalent including 35 SCH general studies.
Working knowledge of biblical Hebrew and Greek depending on the area of concentration.
Core Courses
All courses are 2 SCH unless specified
AR517 Near Eastern Archaeology: Background & Methods
AR527 Archaeology & History of Ancient Egypt
AR537 Archaeology & History of Ancient Mesopotamia
AR547 Excavation Practicum & Field School – 3 SCH
AR557 Archaeology of the New Testament
AR617 Historical Geography of Bible Lands
AR627 Archaeology & the Bible: Historical & Cultural Synchronisms
AR637 Languages & Cultures of the Ancient Near East
AR647 Levantine Ceramic Typology
AR657 Archaeological Field Methods
AR667 Archaeological Laboratory
AR677 Evolution of Warfare & Fortification Systems in the Ancient Near East
AR697 Iron Age & Biblical History
OT681 Thinking Critically about the Old Testament
NT682 Thinking Critically about the New Testament
Elective Courses
All courses are 2 SCH unless specified, courses may also be selected from other TSU Colleges.
AR558 Archaeology & History of the Jerusalem Area
AR559 Archaeology & History of the Jerusalem Temple
DM670 Archaeological Videography & Photography
Doctor of Philosophy
45 Total Semester Credit Hours (SCH)
A relevant master’s degree or equivalent including all the courses listed in the archeology MA track.
A good working knowledge of both biblical Hebrew and Greek is recommended, and may be required in some cases, depending on the area of concentration. At least two additional ancient Near Eastern language courses or equivalent is recommended, and may be required in some cases, depending on the area of concentration.
Section 1
The student will complete eight of the following for a total of 16 SCH:
AR817 Workshop: Ceramic Sorting: Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project
AR827 Workshop: Advanced Ceramic Typology
AR837 Workshop: Archaeological Drawing Techniques
AR847 Workshop: Architectural Reconstruction Drawing in Archaeology
AR917 Laboratory: Floatation Sample Analysis
AR927 Laboratory: Faunal and Human Bone Analysis
AR937 Laboratory: Object and Ceramic Conservation
AR947 Independent Study: tbd
AR948 Independent Study: tbd
Section 2
The student will complete the following for a total of 14 SCH:
AR1051 Archeological Fieldwork & Methods
AR1052 Archeological Fieldwork & Methods
AR1053 Archeological Fieldwork & Methods
AR1054 Archeological Fieldwork & Methods
AR1055 Archeological Fieldwork & Methods
AR1056 Archeological Fieldwork & Methods
AR1057 Archeological Fieldwork & Methods
Section 3
The student will complete the following for a total of 15 SCH:
AR985 Dissertation: Writing, Defense & Publication