Learning at TSU

Learning at TSU

Biblical & Theological Studies

Biblical Languages

Archaeology & Biblical History


Apostolic Theology

Biblical Counseling

Christianity in Hebraic Studies

Creative Writing

Sacred Arts

University Studies

Modular coursework

Courses & methods designed to fit your life.


One significant difference between the traditional university course and Trinity Southwest University’s curriculum is its modular system. Not only can you work at your own pace, but you can also complete your course requirements in ways that best suit your personality, background, experience, talents and goals.

Where traditional universities generally award semester credit hours (SCH) based on attendance, homework, and examination performance, TSU semester credit hours are based on the completion of modules within each course. Each module is a learning experience.

This unique modular structure enables TSU students to accelerate through their degree programs, not outside the routines of their established lives, ministries and professional responsibilities, but within the context of, and by means of, those routines.

Each course includes numerous modules, depending on the number of its semester credit hours. A course of 3 SCH consists of six modules, which typically are focused as follows:

  • Module 1: A required foundational module covering principal and supplementary material for reading and research.
  • Module 2: A second required foundational module listing essay instructions and questions that both guide your reading and learning experiences, and allowing TSU faculty to assess your comprehension of the materials. This is the Assessment of Guided Learning.
  • Modules 3-6: You select the remaining four modules from a sizable list of options that include a wide range of learning activities, such as attending lectures and seminars, research and writing projects, vacation seminars, application in your ministry or workplace, and additional reading. These modules allow you to take advantage of the learning modules that fit your individual aptitudes and learning preferences

Opportunities for students local & across the globe.


As you move through your TSU degree program, take advantage of the learning opportunities taking place at the Trinity Southwest University campus in Albuquerque. If you are local, the on-campus weekly lectures are a good fit for you. If you live at a distance from Albuquerque, we have on-campus opportunities, like the 3-day block, that make a trip to Albuquerque worthwile. The weather is usually fantastic, and it’s a great vacation destination, too, with breathtaking vistas, and Santa Fe, The City Different, only a short drive away. Everything TSU offers is available to be taken as course credit or modular credit.

Distance Learning

Students throughout the world can earn a degree from any of the university’s ten colleges. For our couses we use a modular system consisting of two foundational modules (reading and essays) and four modules that include opportunities to integrate your life, work, and ministry for modular credit as well as lectures, further reading, research, travel-study, symposia, seminars, etc.
You’ll be in close contact with an Academic Advisor, and will periodically interact with members of the faculty as you deem necessary. To get started with our distance learning programs, contact the TSU Administrative Offices for a free Pre-Application. We look forward to hearing from you!

90% of students at TSU are Distance Learners

Adult Education

Within and outside of our degree curricula, Trinity Southwest University offers a range of additional learning programs that allow students and non-students to strengthen their current education.

Advanced Christian training

Through TSU’s Advanced Christian Training (ACT) program, you can enjoy course lectures and open seminars for your personal learning pleasure (not for credit). (Taking a course lecture/seminar through the ACT program is similar to “auditing,” except that TSU does not provide a transcript record of your participation.) The cost of taking a course lecture/seminar through the ACT program is only $95.

Continuing Education

TSU courses can be taken to fulfill a variety of continuing education needs (contact your employing institution or organization for approval). TSU is approved by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) as a provider of continuing education credits in Biblical Studies, Theology and Apologetics. The cost is $50 per CEU credit.

Certificate/Diploma Programs

TSU non-degree certificate and diploma  programs are often the answer for those who do not want to pursue a degree, but who still want to experience learning in an academic context. You can earn a certificate from any of TSU’s eight colleges by completing the Foundational Learning Modules and four additional module (see course syllabi) for five courses. The total cost of a certificate program is $1000. You can earn a diploma from any of TSU’s eight colleges by completing the Foundational Learning Modules and four additional modules (see course syllabi) for ten courses. The total cost of a diploma program is $2000.

Portfolio Credit

Real-Life Experience is valuable and can count as credit towards your degree

TSU may grant portfolio (equivalent) credit for life, work, and ministry experience. Portfolio credit may also include military training, College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exam scores, and continuing education hours and units. The Registrar can help you identify the documentation needed to substantiate portfolio (equivalent) credit. It will be your responsibility to exhibit the appropriate level of study during your program. Any deficiency in regard to the college you are enrolled in may require additional work to achieve an acceptable standard of performance.

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