Biblical Research Bulletin

The Academic Journal of Trinity Southwest University


Biblical Research Bulletin (BRB) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by Trinity Southwest University. Because BRB encourages interaction among scholars from diverse backgrounds, the views expressed in a given article may or may not represent the views of the faculty or administration of Trinity Southwest University. Biblical Research Bulletin is copyrighted by Trinity Southwest University, with all rights reserved.


Biblical Studies

Submitting articles

information, research & perspective
for theology & religious studies

Biblical Research Bulletin is published in annual volumes, beginning with Volume I in the year 2001. Thus, for example, any article published in the year 2007 belongs to Volume VII. Articles published in an annual volume are numbered serially with Arabic numerals (example: “5”). Therefore, for citation purposes, a given article would appear by Author, “Title,” Biblical Research Bulletin, followed by Vol. VII No. 5 (2008) or simply VII.5 (2008), depending on the academic format used.

BRB is a universal access journal, and requires no subscription. However, users must follow all utilization and citation instructions contained on the cover page of each article published herein. Please refer to the cover sheet of any BRBarticle or book review for these details.

BRB’s Magazine section includes articles and other items of interest that are written in a more casual, popular style, but are of interest to both scholars and lay-readers. BRB also publishes book reviews. To access an article or book review, click on the selected category above. Then click on the article/review you wish to read. Each is a simple pdf file. Articles are organized by discipline, then by subject sub-category, then alphabetically by author.

How to Submit an Article

BRB is an open journal. As such, individual articles are published as they are approved by the Editorial Committee. Articles are published in pdf format on the BRB website. They are made available to the academic community and the public at-large without charge. While issues of BRB are copyrighted by Trinity Southwest University, the content of individual articles/reviews remains the intellectual property of the author(s).

Your submission to BRB confirms that you have read the contents of this page carefully, and that you explicitly grant BRBthe right to publish your article/review for an indefinite period of time as deemed appropriate by the Editorial Committee.

If your article/review is accepted for publication, a member of the BRB Editorial Committee will contact you by email, usually within six weeks of your submission.

Prepare your article/review and supporting information package in accordance with the guidelines below.

Submit your article/review and supporting information package as email attachments to .

BRB Article and Review Guidelines

1. Submissions must be made in Microsoft Word format (.doc) or, if that is not possible, submissions may be made in Rich-Text Format (.rtf).

2. Submitted document files may not exceed 3MB in size, except in rare cases approved by the Editorial Committee (EC).

3. Write your article or review using a standard journal or academic format. BRB editors recommend use of the SBL Manual of Style, but other formats (Turabian, APA, or MLS) are acceptable, even with appropriate modifications.

4. Use one-inch margins on all sides.

5. Use charts, graphs, figures and photographs sparingly. Photos should be in jpg format.

Supporting Information Package Guidelines

1. Provide a one-paragraph biography that includes relevant academic credentials, research, publications, professional associations, etc. (this information is for EC use only, and will not be published with the article).

2. Provide a one-paragraph abstract of your article or review.

3. Provide a statement clarifying whether the article/review is previously unpublished, published, revised, or modified. Provide detailed publication information if it is a previously published piece, along with your statement that you have the appropriate rights/approvals to allow publication of said piece in BRB.

4. If applicable, provide details on any special instructions that may apply to publication.

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